One day in August, The Vent included a slam against an anti-Prop 200 column by an ASU professor: "I'm sick and tired of these liberal(s) such as Roxanne Doty calling concerned taxpaying citizens racist and white supremacist. I'm glad I wasn't in her political science class in that liberal university wasteland that doesn't even have a dress code."
This random observation:
"I just served 16 weeks of grand-jury duty in Florence and would do it again. I will be 80 years old in September."
And finally, a comment on The Vent's favorite topic, which is, of course, The Vent:
"For all you readers who complain you don't like The Vent: Why don't you get a life and quit complaining and read something else. Because there are a whole lot of us who really like reading The Vent. It makes us very, very happy."
Us, too.