Performance by Moet and Dom Perignon | Phoenix | Phoenix New Times | The Leading Independent News Source in Phoenix, Arizona

Performance by Moet and Dom Perignon

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Featuring Moet and Dom Perignon
Band: 7:30pm
DJ: DJ Noah Wylie

Blue Martini is the most talked about nightclub and upscale premiere bar in Phoenix. With a tantalizing tapas menu and cocktail lounge, Blue Martini not only offers the best nightlife in Phoenix, but also hosts some of the hottest private parties Phoenix has ever seen. Our live entertainment bar houses only the most sought after artists, bands and DJ�s - paired with a killer happy hour and ladies night. Don�t miss out on the Blue Martini Phoenix VIP treatment by joining our exclusive VIP membership. Blue Martini has "set the bar" for nightclubs. Phoenix nightlife will never be the same!

Street Team:
Street Team will be present from 10:45-11:45pm on Saturday, July 23rd. Look for our team they'll be in their New Times T-shirts alone with plenty of free Stoli samples!