Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Arrives ... And Five More Video Games That Need Sequels | Jackalope Ranch | Phoenix | Phoenix New Times | The Leading Independent News Source in Phoenix, Arizona

Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Arrives ... And Five More Video Games That Need Sequels

Ten years is a long time to wait for anything -- and it's exactly how long fans of the Marvel vs. Capcom video game series have been twiddling their thumbs. Tonight the wait is over, and gamers can get their hands on Marvel vs. Capcom 3 and kick the crap...
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Ten years is a long time to wait for anything -- and it's exactly how long fans of the Marvel vs. Capcom video game series have been twiddling their thumbs.

Tonight the wait is over, and gamers can get their hands on Marvel vs. Capcom 3 and kick the crap out of their friends and claim bragging rights as the supreme Marvel vs. Capcom fighter.

So where's the party going down? You can check out the game along with other die-hard fans at the Best Buy at 13711 West Bell Road, in Surprise from 5 p.m. to midnight (more event details here). Talk about a geekmantic evening. 

And while we were busy waiting in line to get our own copy, we came up with a few other classic (and obscure) games that are definitely due for some sequel love. 

Check out our recommendations and trailers after the jump ...

1. Zombies Ate My Neighbors
Why it needs a sequel: This game is one of the original zombie apocalypse survival games. As one of the last un-zombified kids in the neighborhood it is up to you to rescue the rest of your dimwitted neighbors as you fend off zombies with pint sized weaponry like squirt guns, soda pop grenades and for some reason a bazooka. The fact that you can play with a friend to kill zombies made this game twice as fun.
Odds of being made: Very, very slim. The game was developed by Lucasarts, but they seem too busy making Star Wars games to revisit class 8-bit zombies.

2. Star Fox
Why it needs a sequel: Ok, let's be serious for a second here, Star Fox 64 was the last great Star Fox game. It had everything. Detailed visuals, great animations and multiple gameplay paths. This franchise needs a true, next generation sequel. A Star Fox game on the Nintendo Wii would assuredly use some sort of pointer targeting.  Here's hoping you can use the Wii remote to "Do a barrel roll!"
Odds of being made: Respectable. Star Fox is one of those cult Nintendo franchises that fans will always be clamoring to get on their television screens. Plus Nintendo already made a Mario, Zelda, Kirby and Metroid game for the Wii. It's about time Nintendo, it's about time.

3. Mirror's Edge
Why it needs a sequel: Set in a city where information is highly regulated, you play as Faith, an information runner who is an expert at running around the city's rooftops on foot. Based off of the art of parkour, Mirror's Edge was insanely hard, but when you got the hang of running and flipping and sliding around rooftops and sewers it also became incredibly fun. But that isn't to say the game didn't have its problems. Combat was buggy and difficult to pull off and some of the free running segments were just too damn hard. Here's hoping that DICE streamlines the next game just a bit to make it totally awesome.
Odds of being made: Pretty good. DICE is still in existence and fans have been clogging up the forums begging for a sequel. 

4. Star Wars: Battlefront II
Why it needs a sequel: This could possibly be the best Star Wars game ever made. Battlefront II lets the player take control of Rebel, Empire, Clone or Separatist forces and blast each other out of known space faster than you can say "It's a trap!" Players could hop in a space ship, fly from one star cruiser to the other, and blow it up from the inside. Add in heroes and up to 16 player battles over the internet and you could get lost in a galaxy far away.
Odds of being made: It's actually kind of nebulous right now. Rumors of a Battlefront III have been flying around for a few years and there was even an announcement that it would be released in 2010, but the project just kind of went silent. Here's hoping this gets pulled out of development hell and in to the hands of Star Wars nerd everywhere.

5. TimeSplitters
Why it needs a sequel: TimeSplitters was one of those rare industry games that both had a unique premise and did not take itself too seriously. The game had players jumping though time to fight battles throughout history and in to the future. The game also had 16 player team deathmatch and an awesome level creator. Also, monkeys. Lots of monkeys.
Odds of being made: Not so good. With the game's original developers, Free Radical Designs, now defunct it seems that the project will be perpetually on hold.

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