Landis Cyclery has a lot riding on its history. Landis has four locations now — but at one time, way back in 1912, the year Arizona became a state — it was the only shop around. Benjamin Harrison opened Arizona's first bicycle store in 1912, capitalizing on the newfangled sport of bike-racing. His sons, Dick and Ben Landis, took the handlebars after him, and now Harrison's grandkids, Dick Jr. and Bob Landis own the business. They intend on being here another century, clearly, from their huge product displays and warm staff. Bicycling has changed over the years, and Landis keeps up the pace. You'll find some of the priciest, highest-quality metal steeds at their stores for road- and mountain-biking needs, a few cheaper utility bikes, and an impressive midrange of, well, everything: fixies, kid bikes, fat-tire cruisers, and the right accessories for most anything you want to do on two wheels. Service is outstanding and reasonably priced. You can trust a bicycle shop that's as old as Arizona to treat you right.