Have you seen those new comfort bikes with the fat tires and the cushy seats? Right, you wouldn't want your friends to see you riding one. So we've got the perfect place for you. This off-the-beaten-path little canal provides smooth riding for about five miles, just south of Baseline Road in Phoenix, from Central Avenue to around South 40th Street. There are trails on both sides of the canal, paved on the south side and hard-packed dirt on the north side, which is actually smoother than the asphalt. The route provides scenic views of South Mountain as you ride past the new housing developments that are sprouting like fruit trees and cotton once did in south Phoenix. Best of all, you won't encounter a lot of other bikers, pedestrians, or dogs, and there isn't a lot of traffic to deal with at the cross streets, either. The only trailhead parking is at Circle K Park, at 12th Street.