Alzohour Restaurant | North Phoenix | Middle Eastern, Moroccan, Market, Grocery Stores | Restaurant

Alzohour Restaurant

Neighborhood: North Phoenix
Alzohour remains, to the best of our knowledge, the Valley’s only Moroccan restaurant, so we can consider ourselves fortunate that it’s as vibrant and delicious as it is. Zhor Saad has run the restaurant portion of her dining/market/clothing boutique almost single-handedly since 2008, scurrying between the front and back of house as she transitions in a flash between gracious host and talented line cook. Bring a little patience and a titanic appetite, because when the food finally hits the table, it’s a sensory feast. Popular Arabic starters such as orange-scented hummus and baba ghanouj pave the way for steaming tagines loaded with saffron-heavy lamb or fresh fish braised in tomatoes and olives. Mounds of delicate couscous topped with tender meats and vegetables are always a fine choice. But Saad’s bastilla — a savory-sweet phyllo pie filled with chicken and ground nuts topped with powdered sugar and cinnamon — is a unique Moroccan showstopper that is not to be missed.
Dominic Armato