Alternative Friday Night on the Town | Phoenix | Phoenix New Times | The Leading Independent News Source in Phoenix, Arizona


Alternative Friday Night on the Town

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Michelle Sasonov
Scarlett won the best-dressed contest at Cupcake!
Creative Phoenicians took Friday night as their chance to dress up and show their skills at Cupcake!, The Circus Farm, and Moxy Hotel. Cupcake!, a monthly fetish-themed dance party, was held at Rogue Bar, and we weren't disappointed. Go-go dancers, DJs, and even a costume contest were all part of the debauchery. In Mesa, the Burning Man-esque Second Friday Community Circus and Spin Jam had young and old alike sharpening their circus skills with fire-spinning, aerials, hula hoops, and yoga. Moxy Hotel in Tempe threw the BlankCanvas event to celebrate their new mural by international artist Peru Dyer Jalea. Scroll through the slideshow to find inspiration for your next party outfit. Photos by Mello Jello.