This shop is kind of a two-for-one deal. Mint is located inside Red Modern Furniture, one of the best and most reliable places to find quality mid-century furniture in town. But, as that '70s chaise we have our eye on is a bit out of our price range, Mint Vintage is the real reason we frequent this address. The quality of a vintage shop depends a lot on the quality of the owner's taste. Too many vintage racks are packed with cheap, easy-to-thrift crap from the '80s. Yawn. That's why we're thrilled that the brain behind Mint seems to favor mod, disco trash and glam — as well as the occasional lovely '40s frock.
We also spied three pairs of "big e" Levi's and a jacket to match. It's heavenly. And, according to the Web site, Mint loves Pucci. You really can't go wrong there. It's a little pricier than what some AZ vintage shoppers might be used to, but consider this: the flawless silk green and yellow '50s party dress we were eyeing recently for $60 would have been double that in NYC or San Fran. See? There are perks to toughing things out in PHX.