Every bill Katie Hobbs vetoed in her first year as Arizona governor | Phoenix New Times

Every bill Gov. Katie Hobbs vetoed in 2023 and why

The Veto Queen's tally: A record-breaking 143 in her first legislative session.
Governor Katie Hobbs said many of the bills she's vetoed were "unnecessary."
Governor Katie Hobbs said many of the bills she's vetoed were "unnecessary." Elias Weiss
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This story was originally published on April 13 and updated on April 28, June 13, June 27 and March 5, 2024 to add the latest vetoes from Gov. Katie Hobbs. Hobbs vetoed a total of 143 bills during the 2023 legislative session.


In her first 100 days in office, Governor Katie Hobbs brandished her veto stamp more times than any governor in Arizona not named Janet Napolitano. Her repertoire of rejected bills is becoming larger and more diverse with every use of the stamp.

Napolitano, who took office in 2003, vetoed 17 bills in her first legislative session, setting a record that would remain untouched for two decades.

But Hobbs has made a habit of giving Republican-backed legislation a one-way ticket to the veto bin, having done so 63 times as of April 18. By June 20, the number ballooned to 143. And her first legislative session as governor isn’t over yet.

Hobbs has also broken the record for the most vetoes in any legislative session, which previously stood at 58 by Napolitano in 2005, according to the Arizona Mirror.

Since we dubbed her the "Veto Queen," Hobbs has blackballed two dozen more bills, including one about abortion, one about sex offenders, and another one about stealing garden gnomes.

“I will support legislation regardless of where it comes from,” Hobbs said in a March interview with Phoenix New Times. “But I will not sign into law any legislation that attacks people’s rights and doesn’t address serious issues. There is an appetite to send me things that don’t meet those criteria, but that doesn’t mean I’m not willing to work with folks to tackle the real issues.”

From a bill forcing cities to hold gun shows to a bill mandating that banks open accounts for gun manufacturers, here are all the bills Hobbs has killed.


SB 1523 — SB 1535: Hobbs tore out of the starting blocks with 13 vetoes on February 16. Each of those bills was a component of the Republican 2024 budget proposal. Each piece passed the Arizona House and Senate by a slim party-line vote.

“Rather than tackling difficult choices, this budget presents Arizonans with false choices,” Hobbs said in a letter to the Senate. “I reject these false choices because I’m an optimist, particularly when it comes to Arizona.”

SB 1184: Vetoed on February 23. The bill prohibited cities and towns from taxing renters. The measure was an attempt to assuage housing costs, but it came under fire for being unconstitutional. It was her 14th consecutive veto before signing a bill into law.

According to Hobbs, SB 1184 didn't have an enforceable mechanism to ensure renters are provided relief. “For working families faced with ever-increasing rental prices, this proposal just doesn't fit the bill,” Hobbs told the Senate.


SB 1248: Vetoed on March 3. It was the first bill with bipartisan support to die in the governor’s office. The bill repealed the "sunrise process,'' a cumbersome step required by healthcare professionals who are seeking to expand their scope of practice that involves defending the expansion to a legislative committee. All Republican lawmakers and 21 Democrats supported the measure.

In her interview with New Times, Hobbs said “it is unfortunate” that she had to wield her veto stamp, but that doing so was necessary after the bill was fast-tracked to her desk. “There certainly is some work that we need to do to make the sunrise process more fair,” Hobbs said. “But I don't think that this protects the health and welfare of Arizonans.”

SB 1305: Vetoed on March 9. The bill prohibited K-12 public schools from teaching a variety of race-related instruction, including "that an individual, by virtue of the individual's race or ethnicity, is inherently racist or oppressive, whether consciously or unconsciously."

In her veto message, Hobbs wrote, “It’s time to stop pushing students and teachers into culture wars rooted in fear-mongering and evidence-free accusation. Bills like SB 1305 serve only to divide and antagonize.”

SB 1063: Vetoed on March 28. The bill eliminated taxes on groceries in Arizona. While the legislation was intended to reduce costs for consumers, “it would simply move those costs around,” Hobbs argued.

“It’s clear that this bill doesn’t actually eliminate costs for our residents,” Hobbs told the Senate. “Let’s work together to provide real relief for Arizonans struggling with higher costs.”

SB 1096: Vetoed on March 28. The bill required public entities to only do business with companies that provide a “written certification” that they do not and will not “discriminate against a firearm entity or firearm trade association.”

In a letter to the Senate, Hobbs wrote, “This bill is unnecessary and, if enacted, could result in banks leaving Arizona’s market. This would limit competition and increase costs for local governments, costs which ultimately fall on taxpayers.”

SB 1024: Vetoed on March 30. The bill targeted unsheltered people, including by making it illegal for a person to “remain in a sitting position” on a public sidewalk.

“We need to address Arizona’s housing and homelessness crisis in a comprehensive manner,” Hobbs said in a letter to the Senate. “Rather than solving these issues in a meaningful way, this bill only makes them less visible.”

SB 1250: Vetoed on March 30. The bill required employers to allow employees to opt out of vaccination requirements for religious reasons. It also prohibited employers from discriminating against employees “based on vaccination status.”

Hobbs condemned the action as “unnecessary,” seeing as legal protections for an employee’s religious beliefs already exist under federal employment law.

“This bill also threatens employers with a civil penalty and a hefty fine, which would be devastating for Arizona’s many small businesses,” Hobbs added.
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Governor Katie Hobbs surrounded by Republican critics, including (clockwise from bottom left) Kari Lake; Senators Jake Hoffman, Anthony Kern, and Thomas Shope; Turning Point USA co-founder Charlie Kirk; and Senator Justine Wadsack.
Charlie Powell


HB 2427: Vetoed on April 3. The bill elevated a misdemeanor assault charge to a felony aggravated assault charge if the victim is a pregnant woman, provided the offender is aware that the woman is pregnant.

“As a social worker who spent years serving in Arizona’s largest domestic violence shelter, I’ve seen firsthand the needs of victims seeking safety and stability,” Hobbs told the House. “I encourage the legislature to focus on those needs, including increased funding for services and economic support for victims.”

HB 2440: Vetoed on April 3. The bill required power companies to “prioritize grid reliability and affordability to retail customers." Hobbs said the bill creates regulatory uncertainty when reliability and affordability may be at odds.

“Arizona’s families are facing increased energy costs, disproportionately impacting the most vulnerable in our communities,” Hobbs said in a letter to the House. “My administration is working toward solutions that put dollars back in Arizonans’ pockets, like rebate programs that provide vital support for families at risk of being unable to pay utility bills, while incentivizing energy-efficient home improvements that lower those bills from the outset.”

HB 2472: Vetoed on April 3. The bill prohibited the state from requiring banks to use a “social credit score” in determining whether to lend money.

“My administration looks forward to working with the legislature to increase financial inclusion and access to capital for underserved communities,” Hobbs wrote in a letter to the Senate. “This bill does not address these challenges.”

HB 2056: Vetoed on April 3. The bill declared that dry washes — desert riverbeds that only fill with water when flooded — on private property are no longer considered water features in Arizona. According to federal law, dry washes are water features.

This contradiction between state and federal law would “force unnecessary conflict,” Hobbs said. “Arizonans want elected officials to find real solutions to our water challenges,” she added.

SB 1162: Vetoed on April 4. The bill required home-based businesses to be allowed as a “use by right.” This prevented city officials from being notified about businesses operating in the area.

“While there is no doubt that more can be done to support small businesses in Arizona, this approach is far too broad,” Hobbs told the Senate. “The bill would create challenges for public safety and code enforcement in neighborhoods.”

HB 2586: Vetoed on April 5. The bill restricted the Arizona Department of Transportation's message signs — those amber-colored light-up letters that illuminate traffic rules — to display “only messages that are directly related to transportation or highway public safety.”

In her veto letter, Hobbs wrote, “The current standards allow state and local highway agencies the flexibility to display safety messages, transportation-related messages, emergency homeland security messages, and more.”

HB 2535: Vetoed on April 5. The bill prohibited wells in unincorporated areas from being subjected to municipal regulation if a municipality were to annex the land on which the well sits.

“This bill would preclude local communities from exerting any oversight over groundwater wells that may be connected to a municipal system or that impact our precious drinking water aquifers,” Hobbs wrote in her veto letter.

HB 2477: Vetoed on April 5. The bill “declares the legislature’s support for the Electoral College.”

“This bill, which solely expresses a legislative opinion and does not make or change substantive policy, would be better served as a House resolution,” Hobbs told the House.

HB 2437: Vetoed on April 5. The bill exempted transmission lines from requiring a certificate of environmental compatibility if the transmission line is on land owned by the owner of the line.

“As we build a more resilient energy grid, I encourage the legislature to work with my administration to clearly identify solutions that more directly address transmission concerns,” Hobbs wrote in a letter to the House.

SB 1009: Vetoed on April 6. The bill upgraded the punishment for tampering with a statue from a misdemeanor to a felony charge. The bill asserted that tampering with “any public or private statue” should be a felony, meaning the age-old gag of ganking garden gnomes could land an offender with nearly four years of prison time.

“State law already provides adequate tools to prosecute criminal damage to the items contemplated in this bill, including Confederate monuments, and increasing the penalties will do little to deter such crime,” Hobbs wrote.

SB 1074: Vetoed on April 6. The bill required ballot machines to only use parts manufactured in the U.S.

“The election equipment required by the bill, as well as the problem it purports to solve, does not exist,” Hobbs wrote in a letter to the Senate. “This bill neither strengthens our democracy nor ensures that Arizonans can better exercise their fundamental right to vote.”

SB 1253: Vetoed on April 6. The bill required registered sex offenders who have children in school to annually provide notice of their registration status to the principal at their child’s school. State law mandates that sex offenders continuously report to the Department of Public Safety, which is required by law to notify the school district where the sex offender lives.

“The Department of Public Safety remains best-equipped to oversee all community notification,” Hobbs told the Senate.

SB 1257: Vetoed on April 6. The bill required the Arizona Department of Water Resources director to appoint an assistant director.

“This bill creates an unnecessary statutory mandate for the Arizona Department of Water Resources to hire for a role that can already be satisfied by existing staff,” Hobbs wrote in a letter to the Senate. “Furthermore, the rigid parameters for the proposed assistant director would handcuff the individual’s ability to effectively contribute to key agency priorities and functions.”

SB 1428: Vetoed on April 6. The bill would force Arizona municipalities at all levels to host gun shows.

“The bill needlessly restricts the authority of cities and towns to make decisions about how to keep their communities safe,” Hobbs said in a letter to the Senate.

SB 1600: Vetoed on April 6. The bill ensured that every infant born alive is granted the same rights as any other person, regardless of the infant’s stage of development when born. It would also require health care workers to provide lifesaving care for all infants born alive, even if the infant is born too early to possibly survive or if the intervention may be extremely painful or dangerous.

“The bill is uniformly opposed by the medical community and interferes with the relationship between a patient and doctor,” Hobbs told the Senate. “It’s simply not the state’s role to make such difficult medical decisions for patients.”

HB 2322: Vetoed on April 6. The bill designated “the Secretary of State's July 2020 Signature Verification Guide as the minimum requirements for comparison of signatures.”

Hobbs told the House, “The standards in this bill are already several years old.”

HB 2415: Vetoed on April 6. The bill modified the eligibility requirements for a voter to remain on the state’s Active Early Voting List, which allows voters to automatically receive ballots in the mail.

“Arizona’s active early voting list is secure and convenient for voters,” Hobbs said in a letter to the House. “I stand ready to sign bills that make voting more accessible, accurate, and secure. This bill accomplishes none of these goals.”

SB 1166: Vetoed on April 7. The bill prohibited a public employer from rejecting an applicant solely for not having a postsecondary degree.

“This bill misses the mark and creates more problems than it solves,” Hobbs wrote in a letter to the Senate. “Ultimately, due to its unnecessary and unworkable administrative burden, I am forced to veto this bill.”

SB 1005: Vetoed on April 11. The bill prohibited courts from ruling against schools and other governmental entities when sued for violating the parental bill of rights.

“This bill does not protect parents’ rights but merely encourages litigation — no matter how frivolous — without consequence,” Hobbs wrote in a letter to the Senate. “Across the country and here in Arizona, schools and teachers have been maligned by bad actors who spread baseless theories, seeking to create conflict with teachers, school boards, and administrators. Parents, acting in good-faith concern for their children, are often caught in the middle of these conflicts.”

SB 1027: Vetoed on April 11. The bill classified the manufacturing of fentanyl or similar substances that cause physical injury to a child younger than age 15 as a felony offense punishable as a dangerous crime against children with a sentence of up to 30 years in prison.

This bill contradicts Arizona’s Good Samaritan Law, which was enacted in 2018 and provides legal amnesty for people who intervene to save someone from an opioid overdose. On April 10, Hobbs extended the law until 2028.

“I fear that this bill would undermine the purpose of that law,” Hobbs told the Senate.

SB 1109: Vetoed on April 11. The bill legalized gun silencers in Arizona.

“Gun silencers have long been prohibited weapons in Arizona, along with fully automatic firearms and sawed-off shotguns,” Hobbs told the Senate. “Legalizing silencers, or any other weapon that is currently on the prohibited weapon list, will make Arizonans less safe.”

HB 2212: Vetoed on April 11. The bill required stricter punishments for people who vandalize public service facilities.

“This bill will do little to deter threats to our critical facilities,” Hobbs said in a letter to the House. “What’s more, this conduct is already covered by state and federal laws, making this bill unnecessary.”

HB 2442: Vetoed on April 11. The bill was intended to address rural groundwater depletion through the establishment of “temporary non-expansion areas.” The bill only halted new irrigation with groundwater for five years while also requiring a petition threshold even higher than that of a permanent irrigation non-expansion area.

The bill “would do very little to preserve the groundwater supplies that Arizonans rely upon,” Hobbs wrote in a letter to the House. “Rural communities deserve meaningful options to protect their water future. HB 2442 falls short of this.”

HB 2552: Vetoed on April 12. The bill prohibited the use of ranked-choice voting in Arizona elections.

"Ranked-choice voting is an election process that is used successfully elsewhere in the country," Hobbs wrote in a letter to the House. "As it is not currently utilized in Arizona, this bill is unnecessary."

HB 2675: Vetoed on April 12. The bill declared that drug cartels are terrorist organizations.

"Labeling drug cartels as terrorist organizations to deploy state resources is not a real solution and is not a state function," Hobbs told the House. "It's clear there is a lack of understanding of what the Arizona Department of Homeland Security is charged to do for the people of Arizona."

HB 2754: Vetoed on April 12. The bill subjected nongovernmental organizations to criminal liability for participating in a human smuggling organization.

"This bill has unintended consequences for organizations that support immigrants," Hobbs told the House. "Human smuggling and trafficking is a serious issue that deserves our attention and I implore the legislature to work with shareholders to find better solutions.

SB 1236: Vetoed on April 12. The bill prohibited a city, town, or county from levying taxes or fees on people or entities trading cryptocurrency and non-fungible tokens from a private residence.

"This bill broadly defines 'blockchain technology' and prevents local policymaking concerning an emergent and potentially energy-intensive economic activity," Hobbs said in her veto letter.

SB 1251: Vetoed on April 12. The bill prohibited a city, town, or county from enacting policies that restrict people from using animals for commerce.

In a letter to the Senate, Hobbs said the bill was "in search of a problem."

"No Arizona city, town, or county restricts rodeos or the use of working animals for agricultural or ranching operations," Hobbs wrote. "There are also no pending policy proposals to do so anywhere in Arizona."

HB 2332 and SB 1331: The companion bills were vetoed on April 17. HB 2332 requires Arizona schools to provide firearms training to students in grades six through 12, while SB 1331 allows parents to bring firearms onto school property.

In a single letter explaining both vetoes, Hobbs said that “mandatory firearm safety training in schools is not the solution to gun violence prevention.” She added that “allowing more guns on campus will not make a campus safer. Firearms on campus have the potential to confuse law enforcement as they arrive at an active shooter situation.”

HB 2297: Vetoed on April 17. This bill specifies that when prosecuting a person for fraudulent schemes, the state is not required to establish that all of the unlawful acts occurred in Arizona.

“This bill will lead to confusion where none currently exists,” Hobbs wrote in a letter to the House. “Existing state law adequately outlines the jurisdictional issues addressed in this bill.”

HB 2319: Vetoed on April 17. Better suited as a resolution, this bill simply declares that the state legislature finds that public confidence in elections is best maintained by maximizing transparency.

“This bill adds unnecessary language into statute and does not solve any of the real challenges facing election administration,” Hobbs wrote in a letter to the House. “I look forward to working with the legislature on bills that do.”

SB 1455: Vetoed on April 18. This bill decreases the amount of time that a public officer stops working before the office is deemed vacant, from three months down to 45 days.

Hobbs penned a one-sentence letter to the Senate explaining her decision. “While I appreciate the sponsor’s intent, I do not believe that the changes proposed by this bill are needed at this time,” she wrote.

SB 1565: Vetoed on April 18. This bill prohibits the use of artificial intelligence software for election proceedings in Arizona.

“I believe that there are opportunities to work together to tackle the challenges facing elections in Arizona,” Hobbs told the Senate. “This bill, instead, attempts to solve challenges that do not currently face our state.”

HB 2394: Vetoed on April 18. This bill prohibits taxation of firearm accessories and ammunition if the tax could have a “chilling effect” on the people buying those items.

In her one-sentence letter to the House explaining her veto, Hobbs said that the bill “exempts the firearm industry from the same basic regulation to which all other industries are accustomed.”

HB 2691: Vetoed on April 18. This bill requires each county board of supervisors to provide a chain of custody record for every ballot in an election.

“As I have stated previously, I am eager to work with the legislature to advance legislation that strengthens our elections,” Hobbs told the House. “This bill, unfortunately, does not advance that goal.”

HB 2474: Vetoed on April 18. This bill makes FDA-approved emergency vaccines optional for school attendance in Arizona.

“Vaccines are vitally important for the health and wellness of our state,” Hobbs wrote in a letter to the House. “This bill will undermine public trust in vaccines approved by the Federal Drug Administration.”

SB 1101: Vetoed on April 18. This bill allows third-party providers to perform driving tests and issue driver’s licenses, titles and registrations.

“Allowing authorized third parties to print these security-enhanced certificates of title and registration outside of the Arizona Department of Transportation’s central distribution model poses a significant public safety risk,” Hobbs wrote in a letter to the Senate.

SB 1091: Vetoed on April 18. This bill requires the Arizona Department of Corrections to allow third parties to provide eligible inmates with transition services.

“As you know, the vast majority of people incarcerated in Arizona will one day be released. It’s in all of our interest to ensure that these individuals have proper resources and support to be successful upon release,” Hobbs wrote in a letter to the Senate. “Unfortunately, this bill would result in less transparency and oversight of services provided to incarcerated people returning to society.”

HB 2379: Vetoed on April 18. This bill prohibits a city, town, county, or the state from requiring a hotel or motel to participate in a program that houses unsheltered people.

“This legislation is unnecessary,” Hobbs told the House. “Hotels and motels in Arizona have never been required to accept a voucher to house someone, and no proposal to do so is under consideration here.”

SB 1262: Vetoed on April 18. This bill requires courts to immediately issue a warrant for rearrest of a person who has been charged with a felony offense that was committed during their probation. It also specifies that the person is not eligible for release while revocation proceedings are pending.

Hobbs indicated that she would consider signing a reworked version of the bill in the future. “This bill raises due process concerns,” Hobbs told the Senate. “I encourage the proponents to work with stakeholders in the interim and bring back a consensus proposal next session.”

HB 2509: Vetoed on April 18. This bill would expand the list of homemade foods that can be sold commercially to include perishable foods and certain items containing meat and dairy.

Hobbs said the bill would “significantly increase the risk of foodborne illness,” despite the fact that states with similar laws have reported zero confirmed cases of foodborne illness. Her veto of the so-called "Tamale Bill" kicked up a storm of protest.

SB 1021: Vetoed on April 18. This bill would require Arizona's attorney general to defend the constitutionality of any bill passed by the legislature and signed into law by the governor.

Hobbs said the bill would force the attorney general to defend laws that are legally indefensible. "Unfortunately, the legislature has been known to pass laws that its own lawyers advise would not survive constitutional scrutiny. On occasion, the legislature has even passed laws intended to prompt litigation," Hobbs said in her veto letter. "I encourage the legislature to be more exacting in its deliberations to ensure fidelity to the Constitution."

HB 2759: Vetoed on April 28. This bill prohibited the Arizona Corporation Commission from authorizing a corporation if one of its officers, directors, or trustees has been convicted of specified trafficking crimes, including smuggling and human sex trafficking.

“While this bill aims to protect victims of trafficking, stakeholders agree that it could further harm them,” Hobbs wrote in an April 28 letter to the House. “As previous legislatures have recognized, it is not uncommon for victims of trafficking to be charged with crimes related to their victimization. This bill, unfortunately, does not take this into account.”


SB 1255 and HB 2254: SB 1255 was vetoed on May 8, and HB 2254 was vetoed on May 19. These companion bills, one in each chamber, prevented the state legislature from enacting a rule that would increase regulatory costs by $500,000 within five years of implementation without first ratifying the rule.

“The rulemaking process that state agencies follow is rigorous, transparent and essential to allowing the state government to function at its best for the people of Arizona,” Hobbs wrote in a letter to the Senate on May 8. “If the legislature disagrees with the rules implemented by the state, it can produce legislation to change them.”

SB 1252: Vetoed on May 8. This bill created a committee to review deaths and near deaths resulting from child abuse and neglect. The bill also established the initial terms of committee member service. Hobbs wrote in a letter to the Senate that, as a social worker, she wanted to work toward improving existing oversight processes but found the bill to be harmful and unnecessary.

“...the creation of an additional review committee inefficiently duplicates the work of existing oversight bodies, unnecessarily furthers mistrust of caseworkers and may regrettably place additional burdens on traumatized or grieving families,” Hobbs wrote in her veto letter.

HB 2444: Vetoed on May 16. This bill created a new fund and commission for Arizona’s existing Natural Resource Conservation Districts, an arm of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The new commission would use money from its fund to award grants, although the bill does not suggest where the grant money would come from.

“When Natural Resource Conservation Districts focus on preventing soil erosion, promoting soil health and eradicating invasive species, they make our state a better place,” Hobbs wrote in a letter to the House. “However, this bill would create a new commission, requiring substantial administrative support from the State Land Department, without providing any funding to this agency.”

HB 2312: Vetoed on May 16. This bill protected women’s shelters from being liable for gender discrimination if they prevented biologically male employees from interacting with women and children in the facility. However, the bill only applied to shelters whose sole purpose is to provide a safe and stable environment.

“Arizonans who choose to work in domestic violence shelters and services are among our most qualified, dedicated public servants who are hired and retained for individual skills, merits and employment histories regardless of their sex. They deserve the freedom to live their lives without laws targeting them for their gender identity,” Hobbs wrote in her veto letter. “Instead of improving or facilitating access to the resources that victims need, this misguided and unnecessary legislation merely allows providers to discriminate on the basis of sex.”

HB 2428: Vetoed on May 16. This bill authorized any private college to implement an Arizona Teachers Academy, which is a program that pays tuition for students who agree to teach in Arizona schools.
Hobbs said in her letter to the House that there isn’t enough available money in the newly passed budget for the 2024 fiscal year to fund such an expansion.

“While I agree with the importance of addressing the state’s teacher shortage and value the role the private universities are playing to educate aspiring teachers in the state, this bill did not include an appropriation to support its implementation,” Hobbs wrote.

HB 2667: Vetoed on May 16. This bill prohibited any college or university in Arizona from banning concealed firearms on campus.

Hobbs argued in her veto letter that the measure could lead to greater anxiety among students, faculty and staff, which would increase risk on campus.

“This bill would allow concealed weapons to be carried or stored on campus, which could lead to greater anxiety among students, staff and faculty. It may also lead to increased risk on campus and other unintended consequences,” Hobbs wrote in her veto letter. “We cannot set a precedent that allows guns on campus.”

HB 2544: Vetoed on May 16. This bill asserted that firearms, accessories and ammunition that are modified in Arizona are not subject to federal laws or regulations as long as they remain within Arizona’s borders. The bill would expand on an existing nullification law that protects firearms that are manufactured in Arizona from federal laws and regulations.

“Not only does this limit the ability of federal lawmakers and federal law enforcement agencies from enacting regulations that promote public safety, it could lead to ambiguity and confusion when state and federal laws diverge,” Hobbs wrote in a letter to the House.

HB 2613: Vetoed on May 16. This bill prohibited the Arizona secretary of state from certifying an election or vote tabulating machine unless every single component of the machine is manufactured and assembled in the U.S. Additionally, the machine itself must be assembled in the U.S.

“This bill could create a situation where Arizona’s election administrators are no longer able to procure certifiable voting and tabulating equipment,” Hobbs wrote in a letter to the House. “It should be clear how catastrophic that would be for the successful administration of elections in Arizona.”

HB 2617: Vetoed on May 19. This bill allowed constables and deputy constables, who are the officers of Arizona’s county justice courts, to carry firearms in the same manner as other peace officers. However, they must upkeep the Arizona Peace Officer Standards and Training Board firearms requirements.

“I am concerned that this bill would have expanded the authority of constables to carry a gun while off-duty whereby some constables may choose to view themselves as having a ‘duty to respond’ when they are off duty,” Hobbs wrote in her veto letter.

HB 2539: Vetoed on May 19. This bill created a new program in Arizona’s public schools that would create a handbook containing alternative school choices and operate a hotline for parent questions about school choices if the child is enrolled in a school that is assigned a D or F letter grade from the State Board of Education. It would also require the Arizona Department of Transportation to provide informational materials to all new Arizona residents.

The measure “does nothing to improve the educational outcomes at low-performing schools,” Hobbs wrote in a letter to the House. She added that it “places an unfunded mandate on the Arizona Department of Transportation and requires the department to carry out tasks it is not equipped to do.”

HB 2309: Vetoed on May 19. This bill limited the federal government’s power in Arizona and increased the state’s “sovereign authority.” It allowed the state legislature to direct the state attorney general to determine the constitutionality of any federal action.

The measure “is an unnecessary attempt to limit the federal government’s power to enact laws and regulations that affect and support Arizonans,” Hobbs wrote in a letter to the House. “The bill would create ambiguity within law enforcement and conflict for federally funded and administered programs within Arizona.”

HB 2757: Vetoed on May 19. The bill required Arizona Court of Appeals judges to be re-elected on a statewide basis rather than a county basis at the final general election before the expiration of the judge’s term in office.

“Allowing voters statewide to vote on whether to retain all Court of Appeals judges regardless of the judge’s Division assignment, while retaining the Division structure, would unfairly dilute the votes of those Arizonans most directly impacted by each Division’s judges,” Hobbs wrote in a letter to the House.

HB 2502: Vetoed on May 19. This bill allowed a court to retroactively award child support dating back to the date that a pregnancy was positively confirmed by a licensed health care provider. In her letter to the House explaining her veto, Hobbs called out Republican Rep. Matt Gress.

“HB2502 is yet another attempt by Representative Gress to strip Arizonans of the freedom to control their own body. This bill, guised as an effort to support families, directly threatens the reproductive rights of Arizonans,” Hobbs said in her veto letter.

HB 2530: Vetoed on May 19. This bill required the Arizona Department of Child Safety to provide reporters of substance abuse by a pregnant woman the contact information for the Arizona Care Cost Containment System. Additionally, if the aforementioned pregnant woman consents, the bill required a licensed health care provider to offer a substance abuse referral.

“This legislation unnecessarily expands the role of the Department of Child Safety (DCS) in decisions and actions that should be handled between a pregnant person and medical professionals,” Hobbs said in her veto letter. “I respect and share the sponsor and proponents’ goal of expanding access to voluntary substance use treatment services for pregnant people. Yet to do this, we need to make these services available, affordable, and accessible.”

HB 2469: Vetoed on May 19. This bill made a number of declarations: that the trafficking of fentanyl across the Arizona border is a public health crisis, that the Department of Health Services “must “do everything within its authority to address this crisis,” and that it is Arizona’s public policy to protect the state from drug cartels. The bill also required Arizona law to be “interpreted and construed to protect state’s sovereign authority against unlawful invasion at the Arizona-Mexico border.”

Arizona’s government ensures the safety of its citizens “by maximizing harm reduction efforts, ensuring people have access to affordable, high-quality health care, combating stigmatization of mental and behavioral health conditions, breaking down barriers to accessing opioid antagonists, and by investing in robust public health infrastructure that will sustain that response well into the future,” Hobbs wrote in a letter to the House. “This bill does not address any of those issues, nor does it acknowledge the chronic underfunding of our health department and other government services.”

HB 2545: Vetoed on May 19. This bill prohibited any government within Arizona from using personnel or financial resources to enforce a public health emergency order based on recommendations from an international government organization. It also required the governor to seek approval from the legislature to impose a public health emergency order for more than seven days.

“This bill would severely limit the ability of the state to respond in times of crisis. It unnecessarily politicizes what are often life or death situations,” Hobbs wrote in a letter to the House. “I refuse to allow the legislature to play political games at the expense of human lives.”

HB 2416: Vetoed on May 19. This bill required the Arizona Department of Homeland Security and the Arizona Department of Administration to establish information technology standards for state agencies and contractors.

“...in April, I issued Executive Order 2023-10 to protect the state’s cybersecurity interests, starting with removing TikTok on all state-owned and state-licensed devices and personal devices used for state work. Additionally, the Executive Order requires the Departments of Administration and Homeland Security to create a plan to prohibit access to TikTok, and annually evaluate other applications that may pose cybersecurity threats,” Hobbs wrote in her veto letter. “State agencies are already taking action to comply with the Executive Order.”

HB 2094: Vetoed on May 19. This bill allowed mobile food vendors to operate on private residential property in residential areas.

“There are provisions of this bill that could have significant negative public health impacts, including potentially increasing the risk of food-borne illness,” Hobbs wrote in a letter to the House. “While the provisions within this bill related to food trucks operating in residential areas warrant future discussion, they do not outweigh the public health risks this bill creates.”

HB 2305: Vetoed on May 19. This bill required each county’s recorder to allow representatives of the two largest political parties to observe each stage of the signature verification process for early and provisional ballots.

“This bill creates unnecessary burdens for election administrators and meaningful privacy concerns for Arizona voters,” Hobbs wrote in a letter to the House.

HB 2308: Vetoed on May 19. This bill prohibited the Arizona secretary of state from personally performing any aspect of the election operations in an election where the secretary of state is a candidate.

“The secretary of state is elected by the people of Arizona to serve as, among other roles, the state’s chief election officer,” Hobbs, who served as Arizona’s secretary of state from 2019 to 2022, wrote in a letter to the House. “There is no reasonable basis to believe that Arizonans should not trust the secretary of state to do their job impartially.”

HB 2377: Vetoed on May 19. The bill prohibited public officers from lobbying unless they are acting in their official capacity.

“In its current form, this bill creates meaningful First Amendment concerns through its definition of lobbying,” Hobbs wrote in a letter to the House.

HB 2560/SB 1324: Vetoed on May 19. This bill required the Arizona secretary of state to publish a list of all the state’s registered voters online at least 10 days before a primary or general election. (The legislation started as separate bills, but the House bill was substituted for the Senate bill ahead of a Senate vote on May 15.)

The bill “could create serious problems,” Hobbs wrote in a letter to both the House and the Senate.

“First, this bill threatens anonymity and privacy - core tenants of free and fair voting in our democracy. It also opens the door to the spread of additional election mis- and dis-information, which there is far too much of already. Finally, it places a burdensome, unfunded mandate on our election officials, who already face a multitude of challenges going into the 2024 election cycle,” Hobbs continued.

HB 2108: Vetoed on May 19. The bill changed the qualifications for people to qualify for unemployment insurance. In vetoing the bill, Hobbs claimed that the Department of Economic Security has already made significant progress in reducing fraudulent claims for unemployment insurance.

“This legislation creates additional barriers for workers and unnecessary costs for the state,” Hobbs wrote in a letter to the House. “Far too many Arizona workers have struggled to access unemployment insurance. They deserve a reliable, timely, and easy-to-navigate system…This counterproductive legislation undermines these efforts.”

HB 2441: Vetoed on May 19. This bill forced the city of Scottsdale to provide utility service outside city boundaries to the unincorporated Rio Verde Foothills community, which is experiencing a water shortage.

“We will not build a resilient Arizona with piecemeal, short-term proposals,” Hobbs argued in a letter to the House explaining her veto. “Leaders in this state must come together for long-term solutions to address unregulated land development and strengthen our state’s 100-year Assured Water Supply regulations.”

SB 1001: Vetoed on May 19. This bill barred teachers and school staff from referring to students younger than age 18 by their preferred pronouns without written consent from the child’s parents. Even with parental permission, school employees still could choose not to use the student’s preferred pronouns if it goes against their moral or religious convictions.

“As politicians across the country continue to pass harmful legislation directed at transgender youth, I have a clear message to the people of Arizona: I will veto every bill that aims to attack and harm children,” Hobbs said in a letter to the Senate.

SB 1011: Vetoed on May 19. This bill allowed elections for city or town offices to indicate a candidate’s political party registration on the ballot.

While this bill does not mandate municipalities to hold partisan elections, Arizona’s communities are simply not asking for their local elections to be partisan affairs,” Hobbs wrote in a letter to the Senate.

SB 1025: Vetoed on May 19. This bill allowed for more campaign signage to be placed in a community by placing new limits on the allowed size of a municipality’s sign-free tourism zone.

“It is unclear what problem this bill aims to solve,” Hobbs wrote in a letter to the Senate. “Arizonans are not asking for more campaign signs in their communities.”

SB 1048: Vetoed on May 19. This bill doubled the minimum total contribution from an in-state donor that a campaign finance report must include — from $100 to $200. It also required all contributions from people registered as lobbyists to be included in campaign finance reports.

“While I appreciate the provision aimed at adding transparency to donations from lobbyists, other provisions in this bill would reduce transparency in campaign finance and would likely apply to far more donors,” Hobbs wrote in a letter to the Senate, taking aim at the thousands of donors contributing who contribute less than $200 whose identities would become obscured under the measure. “In aggregate, this bill does not benefit Arizona’s voters.”

SB 1100: Vetoed on May 19. This bill increased the allowed unladen weight of a registered all-terrain vehicle from 2,500 pounds to 3,500 pounds.

In a letter to the Senate explaining her veto, Hobbs encouraged the legislature to “recommend mitigation strategies and minimize the impact and destruction of off-trails before increasing the weight limits.”

SB 1066: Vetoed on May 26. This bill required people who aren’t affiliated with the government and who mail election-related documents to include a disclosure on the outside of the envelope reading, “Not from a government agency.”

“After much consideration,” Hobbs wrote in a letter to the Senate, “While I am generally supportive of disclosure in this context, I believe that the specific requirements around text size within this bill create an unreasonable burden on those who are trying to improve voting access in Arizona.”

SB 1105: Vetoed on May 26. This bill required every county recorder to allow electors to have their early ballots tabulated on-site at a polling place. Current law allows this but doesn’t require it.

“The requirements of this bill would be very difficult for most election officials to implement, creating logistical challenges to the administration of free and fair elections in Arizona,” Hobbs wrote in a letter to the Senate.

SB 1135: Vetoed on May 26. This bill allowed an undelivered early ballot to be exchanged by the voter for a regular ballot at a polling place by 7 p.m. on Election Day. It also prohibited the state, cities, towns and counties from being a member of any multistate voter registration or voter registration list maintenance organization.

The measure would prohibit Arizona from remaining part of the Electronic Registration Information Center, which ensures accurate voter registration rolls in Arizona.

“It is unfortunate that many Republicans in the legislature continue to fan the flames of false allegations of voter fraud, yet send to my desk a bill that would prevent Arizona from joining organizations that actually help improve the integrity of our elections,” Hobbs wrote in a letter to the Senate. “Arizonans deserve legislation that promotes free and fair elections, not the opposite.”

SB 1180: Vetoed on May 26. This bill prohibited a person from “receiving money or any other thing of value” in exchange for collecting voter registrations or voter registration forms.

“It’s clear to me that this bill is an effort by the sponsor to make what he believes are necessary changes to law,” Hobbs wrote in a letter to the Senate, speaking of Republican Sen. Ken Bennett. “I disagree, however, and do not believe that this bill is the right solution.”

SB 1234: Vetoed on May 26. This bill prohibited local authorities from using photo enforcement cameras to peg drivers for speeding or running red lights. Nine states have all passed state laws banning traffic cameras, deeming them unconstitutional.

“Research indicates that photo radar cameras demonstrate effectiveness in changing driver behavior and decreasing fatal accidents,” Hobbs wrote in a letter to the Senate. “This bill’s ban of photo radar would eliminate an important tool for law enforcement that allows for a more efficient allocation of limited police resources.”


SB 1146: Vetoed on June 5. This bill required the State Board of Investment to identify U.S. companies that donate to or invest in organizations that “promote, facilitate or advocate for abortions for minors” or that “[refer] students to sexually explicit material in grades K-12.” It then required the State Treasury to divest from those companies.

“It’s the State Treasurer’s responsibility to protect the best interest of taxpayer dollars and the state’s strategic investments,” Hobbs wrote in a letter to the Senate, adding that the measure “needlessly politicizes decisions best made by the professional portfolio managers at the State Treasurer’s Office.”

SB 1201: Vetoed on June 5. This bill prohibited a county recorder or other election officer from comparing the signatures on a voter’s early ballot affidavit with the signatures from the electronic poll book.

“Arizona’s current signature review requirements ensure that ballot affidavit signatures are reviewed by trained staff who compare the signature to signatures in the voter’s record,” the governor wrote. “Limiting which signatures may be reviewed without a legitimate security or accuracy concern only harms Arizona’s voters.”

SB 1265: Vetoed on June 5. This bill prohibited the use of ranked-choice voting in Arizona elections. It’s nearly identical to HB 2552, which Hobbs vetoed on April 12.

“This bill contains the same provisions as HB 2552, which I have previously vetoed,” Hobbs wrote in her one-sentence memo to the Senate.

SB 1268: Vetoed on June 5. This bill increased the percentage of property owners required to file petitions for a city or town to annex land from 50% to 60%.

“Annexation is an important and common practice for the consistent, orderly and successful development of Arizona’s communities,” Hobbs wrote in a letter to the Senate. “This bill undermines that and the voices of property owners who, when in a majority, wish to be annexed into the communities that surround them.”

SB 1277: Vetoed on June 5. This bill made it a crime for a person to use a drone to photograph, record or observe another person in a private place.

The measure “will negatively affect and restrict the important work of broadcasters, newspapers, telecommunication providers and insurance providers in Arizona,” Hobbs wrote in a letter to the Senate. “Statute already protects Arizonans from the types of privacy violation that the sponsor is [targeting].”

SB 1413: Vetoed on June 5. This bill required municipalities, after noticing a homeless encampment, to instruct the owner to remove the structure. The measure also stated that people who failed to remove their camp are guilty of trespassing or, if engaged in illegal drug use, appropriate drug-related offenses.

“People become and remain unsheltered for a variety of reasons,” Hobbs wrote in a letter to the Senate. “This legislation addresses none of those root causes, offers no pathways to assistance and effectively criminalizes experiencing homelessness.”

SB 1696: Vetoed on June 5. This bill prohibited any office, board, commission or political subdivision, or their contractors, from exposing minors to “sexually explicit materials.” It also classified a sexually explicit material violation as a class 5 felony, which carries up to eight years in prison and fines of up to $150,000.

The bill was introduced by three senators, including Republican Sen. Justine Wadsack, who faces a recall effort after penning another bill that didn’t hide its intentions to ban books in Arizona schools.

“While I agree that not all content is appropriate for minors, this bill is a poor way to address those concerns,” Hobbs wrote in a letter to the Senate. “The sponsor has stated that this bill was aimed at preventing a specific action from reoccurring, while in reality it is written in such a vague manner that it serves as little more than a thinly veiled effort to ban books.”

SB 1040: Vetoed on June 8. This bill required public schools to provide single-occupancy restrooms and locker rooms for students who are unable or unwilling to use communal facilities. Additionally, public schools could be sued if a student uses a designated facility that is not consistent with what the bill refers to as one’s “immutable biological sex.”

The measure was “yet another discriminatory act against LGBTQ+ youth passed by the majority at the state legislature,” Hobbs wrote in a letter to the Senate. “I will veto every bill that aims to attack and harm children.”

SB 1213: Vetoed on June 8. This bill required a committee of state lawmakers, the governor and the attorney general to review and approve the secretary of state’s official instructions and procedures before an election.

The measure “is yet another example of the kind of legislative interference that Arizonans have rejected,” Hobbs wrote in a letter to the Senate. “Arizonans are tired of the legislature meddling with Arizona’s elections.”

SB 1243: Vetoed on June 8. This bill doubled the amount of money that can be awarded as a tax credit to people who donate to school tuition organizations, which are nonprofits that award scholarships to children to attend private schools.

The tax-deductible donation amount would increase from $655 to $1,308 for a single person and from $1,456 to $2,902 for married couples filing jointly. According to Hobbs, last year, these credits diverted about $272 million from the state’s general fund. This bill would effectively double that.

The measure “enables excessive spending that forces taxpayers to pay for private school tuition and diverts much-needed funding from our public schools,” the governor wrote in a letter to the Senate. “Protecting taxpayer dollars and ensuring our state’s fiscal strength is a top priority.”

SB 1264: Vetoed on June 8. This bill barred elected election officers or their appointees from being a member of any political action committee.

“There are few, if any, examples of election-related issues created by elected election officers or their appointees being involved in political action committees,” the governor wrote in a letter to the Senate.

SB 1597: Vetoed on June 8. This bill required Maricopa and Pima Counties to provide at least one polling place in each legislative district that would allow for on-site tabulation of early ballots. The counties would have to comply before the 2024 general election.

“On-site tabulation of early ballots presents significant logistical and cost challenges for election administrators that are left unresolved by this bill,” Hobbs wrote in a letter to the Senate.

HB 2722: Vetoed on June 16. This bill authorized the county recorder or any person who is designated by the county board of supervisors to count all or any portion of the ballots in an election by hand.

“Hand-counting ballots is unquestionably less accurate and more time consuming than machine tabulation,” Hobbs wrote in a June 16 letter to the House. “Arizona voters deserve to know that their votes are being counted accurately and efficiently.”

HB 2786: Vetoed on June 16. This bill required school districts to provide to parents all materials that they use to train teachers. It also would have allowed parents to review classroom materials and, if found objectionable, request alternative assignments or withdraw their child from the class.

In her letter to the House, Hobbs noted that under HB 2786, “school districts and charter schools would be at risk of violating copyright law.”

SB 1026, SB 1028, SB 1030 and SB 1698: All four bills were vetoed on June 16. These four related bills were aimed at eliminating drag performances. SB 1026 prevented the state from spending public funds on drag shows “targeting minors.” It also would prohibit the use of private funds by a government entity for such shows. SB 1028 prohibited adult cabaret performances from taking place on public property or in a place where the person knows the performance could be seen by a minor. Under SB 1030, counties were required to adopt zoning regulations and licenses for adult-oriented businesses. And SB 1698 made it a felony offense for a parent or guardian to let a minor view an “adult-oriented performance” or enter an “adult-oriented business.”

In her letter to the Senate, Hobbs wrote that these four bills “are attempts to criminalize free expression and ostracize the LBGTQIA+ community both implicitly and explicitly, creating statutory language that could be weaponized by those who choose hate over acceptance.” She notes, “I have made it abundantly clear that I am committed to building an Arizona for everyone and will not support and legislation attempts to marginalize our fellow Arizonans.”

SB 1500: Vetoed on June 16, this bill required the state treasurer to list all investments and investment managers by name on a public site so that all investments might be made in the “sole interest of the beneficiary taxpayer.”

Politicizing decisions best made by the state’s investment professionals can harm our state’s long-term fiscal health,” Hobbs wrote in her letter to Senate.

SB 1611: Vetoed on June 16, SB 1611 prohibited public agencies from entering into or renewing a contract with a business unless that business has implemented environmental, social or governance standards policies.

Hobbs wrote in her veto letter, “I do not believe that tying the hands of the State’s procurement and investment professional is in the best interest of the people of Arizona.”

HB 2210: Vetoed on June 19, this bill required that school board members receive the same level of access to district offices as staff do during regular business hours. This access would also be unfettered, meaning they would not need to be accompanied by a school employee.

Hobbs called the measure, “an overcorrection for an issue that is occurring in a limited number of school boards across the state.”

HB 2252: Vetoed on June 19, SB 2252 established a 30-day permit that would allow an out-of-state visitor to purchase a vehicle and then drive it to their state of residence without paying Arizona sales tax.

In her veto letter to House, Hobbs said she supported the goals of the legislation but added that  “there is potential for unintended consequences from this legislation that would have a significant fiscal impact on Arizona.”

HB 2504: Vetoe on June 19, this bill expanded eligibility for tuition scholarships and grants through the School Tuition Organization tax credits to include students placed in foster care.

In her veto letter to the house, Hobbs said that STOs tax credits divert too much money from the state’s general fund. “While I understand the good intentions of the bill sponsor and commend their support for children in the foster care system, I will not be supportive of further expanding the STO tax credit. My administration is committed to ensuring that taxpayer dollars are responsive to the needs of all children,” she wrote.

HB 2618: Vetoed on June 19, SB 2618 allowed cities, towns or counties to impose new requirements for solar and wind energy power plants. It would also require a decommissioning plan for the plant.

According to Hobbs, the bill encouraged “an inconsistent statewide patchwork of regulations for renewable energy projects and would have a deep chilling effect on renewable energy deployment in Arizona.”

HB 2623: Vetoed on June 19. Under this legislation, individuals who provide recovery services and locate unclaimed property for clients were required to register with the Arizona Department of Revenue.

In her veto letter to the House, Hobbs calls the bill an “abuse and misuse of public records.” She writes, “HB 2623 directs the Arizona Department of Revenue to provide sensitive information on taxpayers to third-party entities.”

SB 1391: Vetoed on June 19, SB 1391 allowed the attorney general rather than outside counsel to provide legal services to the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality.

Hobbs noted that the ADEQ receives effective legal representation from the attorney general and “the problem this bill seeks to address does not exist.”

HB 2802: Vetoed on June 20, this bill imposed a minimum 5-year prison term for any person convicted of selling, manufacturing or transporting for sale even a single pill that contains two or more milligrams of fentanyl.

In her letter to the House, Hobbs wrote that the bill “will criminalize substance use disorder. Instead of locking up people who are suffering from the effects of the opioid epidemic, we must prioritize treatment and risk reduction.”

SB 1095: Vetoed on June 20, SB 1095 required early ballot envelopes to include a warning statement that dropping them off after the Friday before the election may delay results due to signature verification.

“I am concerned that this bill could have the effect of discouraging voter participation. These concerns outweigh any potential benefits that this bill may present,” Hobbs wrote in her veto letter.

SB 1106: Vetoed on June 20, this bill attempted to establish standards that social media platforms would use to determine if they can de-platform a candidate for public office.

In a letter to the Senate, Hobbs wrote, “This bill does not attempt to solve any of the real problems social media platforms create.”

SB 1151: Vetoed on June 20, this bill outlined requirements for a court to assess the value of a business interest for the purposes of determining the community share to be paid to a spouse after a divorce petition is served. It also prohibits the court from requiring income documentation in order to calculate child support if the parent states that their income meets or exceeds the maximum child support amount.

“While I applaud the sponsor’s efforts to find a compromise with his colleagues across the aisle, the bill’s provisions related to child support likely conflict with federal law," Hobbs wrote in her veto letter.

SB 1175: Vetoed on June 20, SB 1175 changed Arizona election law by expanding access to voter registration information and establishing procedures for a hand-count audit if a political party fails to provide a sufficient number of board workers.

“This bill creates an unfunded mandate for both the State and Counties and, as such, I cannot support it,” Hobbs wrote in a letter to the Senate.

SB 1301: Vetoed on June 20, this bill set a one-year time limit on investigations of law enforcement misconduct allegations received prior to Sept. 24, 2022.

In her veto letter to the Senate, Hobbs wrote that the bill “would unreasonably limit the time local law enforcement needs to adequately complete misconduct investigations.”

SB 1332: Vetoed on June 20, SB 1332 made the cast vote record — the electronic record of how voters voted — public.

“Any bill that permits releasing the Cast Vote Record must ensure that a voter’s privacy is protected,” Hobbs wrote in a veto letter to the Senate.

SB 1408: Vetoed on June 20, this bill made it illegal for a person to use a telephone or computer to “assist in the smuggling of human beings.” This would include concealing a person from a police officer or assisting them in fleeing.

“This bill is yet another attempt by the majority to criminalize organizations and individuals who aim to support immigrants and refugees,” Hobbs wrote in her veto letter. “I implore the majority party to work with stakeholders and provide real solutions to support our border communities.”

SB 1410: Vetoed on June 20, SB 1410 required a governing board to establish new standards for receiving and investigating complaints from parents who believe their or their children’s rights have been violated. It also would require statewide reporting of these complaints.

Hobbs noted that various avenues already exist for parents to raise concerns or file complaints. “Without further justification on the purpose of collecting this date at the state level, SB 1410 is an unnecessary mandate on school districts.”

SB 1435: Vetoed on June 20, this bill allowed the state Supreme Court to license attorneys and eliminated the requirement that they be members of the State Bar of Arizona.

In her veto letter, Hobbs said that the state bar is best equipped to license attorneys. “This bill would strip that authority from the Bar and place it within the Arizona Supreme Court, which is in opposition to this measure,” she wrote.

SB 1471: Vetoed on June 20. This bill required hand-count versus machine comparisons of voter ballots in all elections after Sept. 1, 2023.

“The 2022 election is settled. It’s time to move on and start working to solve the problems faced by everyday Arizonans,” Hobbs wrote in her veto letter.

SB 1583: Vetoed on June 20, this bill required the Arizona Department of Public Safety to establish and maintain a website that lists all sex offenders, including those who are level two or level three offenders.

Hobbs noted that the state already requires the names of “the most dangerous” offenders to be published. “DPS will continues to ensure this information is readily available to the public,” she wrote in her veto letter.

SB 1588: Vetoed on June 20. If passed, this bill required the Arizona Criminal Justice Commission to provide public access on its website to the State, county and municipal Open Data System. It also changed how an approximately $1.36 million appropriation made in the fiscal year 2024 state budget for firearms training simulators may be used.

Hobbs noted that the bill had “fallen victim to political games” and that a “nongermane amendment” that she cannot support was added. “Additionally, without an appropriation, the bill represents an unfunded mandate on ACJC,” she wrote. “I encourage the sponsors and supporters of the original language to continue advocating for the Arizona Criminal Justice Commission data collection system.”

SB 1595: Vetoed on June 20. This bill made numerous changes to the early voting procedure, including an additional requirement for counting early ballots, requiring voters to present valid ID if their ballot was delivered by an agent, and removing the requirement that the period of early voting must end at 5 p.m. on the Friday preceding the election.

In stating her veto of SB 1595, Hobbs wrote, “This bill fails to meaningfully address the real challenges facing Arizona voters.”

SB 1596: Vetoed on June 20, this bill required a state, county, city, town or school district office to “provide sufficient space for use as a polling place for an election when requested by the officer in charge of elections.”

Hobbs noted that the bill created “an unfunded and untenable mandate for schools and communities.” In her veto letter to the Senate, she pointed out, “This bill once had an appropriation, demonstrating that it needs funding to be viable. However, it was not included in the budget, and as such, I cannot support it.”

SB 1598: Vetoed on June 20, SB 1598 allowed candidates for federal office to designate representatives to act as observers at a counting center. And, it adds that if more than one U.S. House candidate from each political party designates an observer at a counting center, a lottery will determine which candidate may send an observer.

“ As it is not clear what problem this bill is attempting to address or if any such problem exists, I cannot support it,” Hobbs wrote in her letter to the Senate.

SB 1658: Vetoed on June 20. This bill barred business or government agencies from entering into any agreement for “critical infrastructure” with a company owned by citizens or the government of — or headquartered in — China, Iran, North Korea or Russia, unless the federal Committee on Foreign Investment in the U.S. determines there are no unresolved national security concerns.

“This bill creates a presumption that all citizens of certain countries are enemies of the state. It would broadly disqualify many Arizonans who are dual citizens and productive members of our economy,” Hobbs wrote in her veto letter to the Senate.

Hobbs also noted that the bill’s broad language “would jeopardize business entering the Arizona market, a significant tailwind in our economy as the U.S.’s top state for foreign-direct investment, especially from our close partners in Taiwan,” and stated that in cases where there are national security concerns, “the federal government is actively evaluating and intervening to protect our national interests."

SB 1246: Vetoed June 20. The bill allowed Maricopa County to put before voters a measure to renew a transportation excise tax that first started in 2004. Lawmakers have made Maricopa the only county in the state that first needs legislative approval to ask voters to approve the tax.

Hobbs, in her veto letter, said the bill "fails to meet the everyday needs of Arizonans."

"A minority of legislators unilaterally crafted a plan going against the public's desires and weaponized the very roads on which everyday Arizonans rely to get to work and improve their transit experience," Hobbs wrote. "Moreover, this regressive plan jeopardizes not only Maricopa County's economic vitality, but that of the entire state, setting Arizona back for decades."
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