If you're bored, and you want to be as bored as you were five seconds ago, we've got the perfect thing for you: watch Maricopa County Elections Department workers tabulate votes -- live.
Maybe you'll be the hero of the community for catching some voter fraud live on the air. Maybe you'll catch the guy in the AC/DC t-shirt picking his nose.
Since '07, it's been state law that "the county recorder or officer in charge of elections shall provide for a live video recording of the custody of all ballots while the ballots are present in a tabulation room in the counting center."
Thus, there are eight camera angles in Maricopa County, three of which just stare at doors.
It sounds like the camera law might be a good idea, but you can't really see close enough to find out what's going on, so it's probably not likely that anyone would catch malicious behavior going on from their computer chair.
According to a timer on the Maricopa County Elections Department video page, we watched this for more than six minutes, and all we saw was professional paper-shuffling.
To be fair, it's way more exciting than Yuma County, where four people are sitting around a table shuffling around a bunch of ballots.
Still, democracy, transparency, yadda, yadda, yadda. Click here for Maricopa County's live videos, or just watch the grass-growing competition below: