Chou's Kitchen | Chandler | Chinese, Asian | Restaurant

Chou's Kitchen

Neighborhood: Chandler
In the "eight great traditions" of Chinese cuisine, the food of northeastern China doesn't make the cut. Fortunately, the owners of Chou's Kitchen know a good thing when they cook it, and adventurous Valley diners (yes, there can be a language barrier at Chou's) won't be disappointed when sampling the eatery's less-familiar Chinese fare. Northeastern cuisine utilizes dough in many of its dishes, including scallion-flecked pancakes, pork-stuffed dumplings, fried buns, and Chou's crowning achievement, pan-fried meat pies (or "Chinese hamburgers," as the owners refer to them). One trip to Chou's Kitchen, and you may swear off Americanized Chinese food for good. Read our review.