Monkey Pants Bar & Grill | Tempe | American, Burgers, African, Bars and Clubs | Restaurant

Monkey Pants Bar & Grill

Neighborhood: Tempe
Miss the old frat house? You'll swear you've stepped into old Omega Alpha Etcetera when visiting this peculiar Tempe tavern. Perhaps it's the cardboard portrait of Princess Leia stapled to the wall or the thrift-store décor of mismatched furniture and odd tchotchkes that give Monkey Pants its frat-house vibe. The wait staff shouts "Hello!" as you enter, and will even give you an unusual nickname (like "Goosey Lucy" or "Gorgeous George") even if you don't want one. There's plenty of wacky fun to be had during the week, including goldfish races, crotch-kicking contests, and such theme nights as Sombrero Sundays and Mustache Mondays. This place is off-kilter and off the hook, to say the least.