One Direction at University of Phoenix Stadium | Phoenix | Phoenix New Times | The Leading Independent News Source in Phoenix, Arizona

One Direction at University of Phoenix Stadium

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Right now, the world is the S. S. Turdboat and its fecal-matter hull is slowly dissolving in the piss that is society. By proxy, the United States is at war with Russia, not to mention Iraq again (or did that occupation ever really end?) as the War on Drugs continues to serve as unmitigated aggression against South and Central America. Let's not even get into Africa. The few bright spots we had left in regards to sustainability have been eclipsed by impending natural disasters (so we're told) and the verge of economic collapse. But none of that matters because last night, more than 60,000 souls packed a building the size of a small city for One Direction, the orchestra on the deck of the Titanic.

Photos by Jim Louvau

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