The building that formerly housed the clubs Shepherd's and The Eagle is now Retrobar, a groovy, space age-themed club that combines vintage fashion with retro imagery. Guests are greeted by a cluster of mannequins, all dressed in Studio 54-style garb and huddled around tables. A gigantic flat-screen TV covers half the south wall of the bar and plays muted music videos while '70s disco favorites boom out of Retrobar's club speakers. The lava lamps behind the bar encompass every color of the rainbow, fitting for a neighborhood gay bar that has a black leather-paneled VIP cove. The vibe is low-key, with mostly 30-something males huddling around the bar to discuss politics and popular culture — or just to sip mixed drinks. Retrobar also has its own signature drink, a $1 Jell-O shot called an Alien Cocksucker. Beam us up, hotties!