Your complete guide to the 100 best bars in metro Phoenix

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Your complete guide to the 100 best bars in metro Phoenix

H.B. Hanratty's Pub

H.B. Hanratty's Pub
Benjamin Leatherman
You could drive past this Central Phoenix bar every single day for a year and fail to notice it (and many surely do, situated as it is just off the congested corner of Camelback Road and Seventh Street). What might eventually draw your attention is the sun-bleached sign and vaguely dilapidated Old West-style porch out front. Once inside, you’ll discover a hard-to-define bar. It has the vast, wooden vibe of a roadhouse, though the Arizona Cardinals and Ohio State regalia suggest it’s something of a sports bar. You can also play darts (real darts) or shoot pool at one of the billiards tables that sit beneath stained-glass windows erected on the ceiling. There’s a Big Buck Hunter and one of those boxing machines where you hit the tiny little punching bag as hard as you can. It’s a neighborhood bar, ultimately — one of the better ones in this stretch of town.
537 E. Camelback Rd., Phoenix, 85012