This ASU Student Sent a Man's Unsolicited Dick Pic to His Mom | Phoenix New Times

ASU Student Sends Man's Unsolicited Dick Pic (Not This Kind) to His Mom

The mother apologized on behalf of her son.
An ASU student retaliated after receiving an unsolicited dick pic. We'll assume it wasn't one of these.
An ASU student retaliated after receiving an unsolicited dick pic. We'll assume it wasn't one of these. Top row, from left: Dick Sargent, ABC Press Photo; Dick Cheney, Public Domain; Dick Butkus, Allen Light/Creative Commons; Dick Cavett, ABC Television; Andy Dick, David Shankbone/Creative Commons. Bottom row, from left: Dick Durbin, Public Domain; Dick Clark, ABC Radio; Dick Nixon, U.S. National Archives and Records Administration; Dick Van Dyke, Gage Skidmore/Creative Commons; Dick York, McDermott Company PR photo
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One Arizona State University student is making national headlines after sending a man's unsolicited dick pic to his mom.

Madi Kohn told BuzzFeed News she'd received an unfortunate number of pictures of penises from strangers. She, like most women, wasn't a fan of this.

In an age where you can look up pictures of Chris Brown and Kanye West naked on the internet, unsolicited pictures of body parts have sadly become a norm.

As such, Kohn updated her Tinder bio to read, "If you send me dick pics I will send them to your mom." She was hoping to keep her inbox from blowing up with phallic pictures from amateur photographers.

She wasn't dicking around.

But one Tinder user had to poke the hive. He found her Instagram handle, which was posted in her dating app biography, and sent several sexually explicit direct messages to her, Buzzfeed reported. Of course, one was a picture of a penis.

Because most college-age women in the 21st century are Facebook sleuthing pros, Kohn found the man's mother on Facebook and sent her a screenshot of the photo he'd sent her, along with this message:

"Hi, I see that your son is [name removed]. I have never talked to him or met him, but he has sent me this picture through instagram after discovering my profile. Can you please tell him not to send unsolicited pictures to women? I did not ask for it," she wrote.

The mother apologized in both Spanish and English on behalf of her son.

Kohn didn't respond to a Phoenix New Times request for comment.

The man who sent the photo has since removed his last name from his Instagram account. When Buzzfeed contacted him, he lashed out at Kohn for sharing the picture, saying she couldn't "prove" it was him.

He told Buzzfeed he didn't plan to press charges against Kohn.

Kohn, for her part, hopes guys on Tinder (okay, guys everywhere) will start taking her message exiling dick pics seriously.

"I’m still surprised some guys are testing it and pushing it to the limit," she told Buzzfeed.

Let this be a lesson to all the Anthony Weiner wannabes of the world.

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