No doubt, some will squawk at a selection that doesn't serve pho. But let this be a reminder that the cuisine of an entire nation — any nation — isn't defined by one dish. Broken Rice, until very recently known as Com Tam Thuan Kieu, has been around the block, an anchor restaurant at Mekong Plaza for 15 years. That's because it boasts a menu that's reliably delicious — an extensive list headlined by their titular dish, com tam, or broken rice. Permutations abound, though the titanic Com Tam Thuan Kieu 10 Mon is a great place to start. This sampler platter includes vittles such as imperial rolls, grilled pork sausage, shrimp paste wrapped in tofu skin and cha trung, a sort of eggy meatloaf. There's an abundance of brightly dressed salads, and those who just have to have soup would do well to give the hu tieu a spin. Clear and silky, it's loaded with your choice of meats, vegetables and noodles. But there's no pho here. And Broken Rice is no lesser for it.