Two of classic country's baddest bad-boys, Merle "Hag" Haggard and Kris "That Dude From the First Blade Movie" Kristofferson, are headed to Phoenix this week, and they are not performing at a typically "country" place like Toby Keith's I Love this Bar & Grill.
No, the digs will be classier, with the two taking the stage at the Heard Museum on Saturday, October 22, as part of the museum's 2011 Moondance Gala, which honors columnist Harvey Mackaey and longtime Heard supporter trustee Carol Ann Mackay.
Want to hear those perfectly gravely country sounds? Well, get ready to pony up, cowperson. The press release for the event has tickets priced at $500 bones, but ProTix has general admission passes priced at $150.00, which is, you know, still a lot, but more reasonable, and you get a souvenir concert blanket.
All joking aside, Haggard and Kristofferson are the kind of guys in it for the long haul. Haggard released Working in Tennessee on October 4, and Kristofferson's 2009 effort, Closer to the Bone was great (not to mention the excellent Please Don't Tell Me How the Story Ends: The Publishing Demos 2010 release).
Attire for the Moondance Gala is suggested to be country western themed, with "boots, bolos and bangles." In addition, ladies are invited to wear "Native bling forward," which I assume has nothing to do with Urban Outfitters' disrespectful Navajo-themed panties and flasks.
Sounds like an amazing pairing for those who can afford tickets. Guess the rest will just have to settle for these goosebumpy performances: